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Ikigai Agency



Ikigai is a Japanese term meaning "worth being." The word suggests that there is a direction or purpose in our lives that makes life worthwhile and to which a person takes spontaneous and willing actions, giving them satisfaction and meaning to life.


Ikigai Agency relays emerging experts, influencers and activists from various fields who have found their importance for various campaigns, consultations or events. Together with ATAÁ, Ikigai was able to spread the message of the meaningful life of more than twenty influencers and brand activists, as well as contribute to long-term social impact.


Oli ilo tehdä yhteistyötä ATAÀn kanssa. He auttoivat meitä kehittämään brändiämme sekä solmimaan yhteistöitä. Pääsimme yhdessä hiomaan yrityksen toimintamallia kokonaisvaltaisesti.”

—  Kristian Muthugalage, Founder of Ikigai Events Oy

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